Budget 2020 : What’s in it For Me ?

As soon as the budget is presented, We see a deluge of analyses and memes coming our way. However, readers of this blog know that we choose to wait for clarifications and finer details so that readers get the right perspective for themselves. A Large number of people were left confused because of the 2ContinueContinue reading “Budget 2020 : What’s in it For Me ?”

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Why Ratings and Rankings Won’t Work in Most Cases?

Rahul : We are facing a “Problem of Plenty” these days. Thank God, we have ratings and rankings to our rescue.   Niraj : Sorry I didn’t understand clearly. Can you please explain ?   Rahul : Most of us search for the stuff we are looking for, on internet. The moment you try toContinueContinue reading “Why Ratings and Rankings Won’t Work in Most Cases?”

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Time Time Ki Baat Hai – Part 4

Harish : I don’t know where is my life going these days !! I am just running around all the time. Not getting time for myself or family.   Niraj : Ohh…that’s something serious. Take a deep breath and tell me what happened ?   Harish : I get up in the morning , goContinueContinue reading “Time Time Ki Baat Hai – Part 4”

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Are we asking the right Questions?

Hemant : My life is so messed up these days that even Google is not able to answer my question. Niraj : Why, what Happened Hemant ? Hemant : Arre yaar, When I am confused about a question, I try asking it to Google, it gives so many answers, I get further confused. Niraj :ContinueContinue reading “Are we asking the right Questions?”

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PowerBank and Retirement Planning

Akshay : Oh Come on Niraj, you always keep talking about retirement planning. My Grandparents, Parents never planned their retirement and they managed decently. Why is that I should be required to plan for my retirement ? Niraj (Smiles) : Ok. So do you use a PowerBank Akshay ? Akshay : Yes, of course. It’sContinueContinue reading “PowerBank and Retirement Planning”

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